
    Dark Mode
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Criterias = tuple[path: string, patterns, extensions: seq[string],
                  regexPatterns: seq[Regex], size: tuple[min, max: FSize],
                  bySize: bool]
FileFinder = ref object
  path: string
  info: FileInfo
FileSizeOp {.pure.} = enum
  EQ = "==", NE = "!=", LT = "<", GT = ">", LTE = "<=", GTE = ">="
FileSizeUnit {.pure.} = enum
  Bytes = "Bytes", Kilobytes = "KB", Megabytes = "MB", Gigabytes = "GB",
  Terabytes = "TB"
Filters = tuple[isRecursive: bool, ignoreHiddenFiles: bool,
                ignoreUnreadableDirectories: bool, ignoreVCSFiles: bool]
Finder = ref object
  case driver: FinderDriverType
  of LOCAL:
      local: LocalFinder

  of SSH:
      ssh: SSHFinder

  of FTP:
      ftp: AsyncFtpClient

  searchType: SearchType
  criteria: Criterias
  filters: Filters
  results: Results           ## An instance of `Results`
FinderDriverType {.pure.} = enum
LocalFinder = ref object of AbstractDriver
Results = ref object
  sortType: SortType
  case searchType: SearchType
  of SearchInFiles:
      fileResults: OrderedTableRef[string, FileFinder]

  of SearchInDirectories:
      dirResults: OrderedTableRef[string, Directory]

SearchType = enum
  SearchInFiles, SearchInDirectories
SortType = enum
  SortByModifiedTime, SortByChangedTime, SortByAccessedTime, SortByType,
SSHFinder = ref object of AbstractDriver
  sock: AsyncFD
  session: Session
  host: string
  port: Port
  username: string
  case authType: AuthType
  of authPassword:
      password: string

  of authPublicKeyFile:
      pubKeyFile, privateKeyFile, passphrase: string

Submodule = object
  name*: string


proc `!=`[S: FSize](fs: S): S
proc `<=`[S: FSize](fs: S): S
proc `<`[S: FSize](fs: S): S
proc `==`[S: FSize](fs: S): S
proc `>=`(fs: FSize): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc `>`[S: FSize](fs: S): S
proc bytes(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc count(res: Results): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
An alias for len
proc exclude[F: Finder](finder: F; pattern: string): F
Excludes files or directories by name or pattern
proc exists[F: Finder](finder: F): bool
Check if any results were found
proc ext(finder: Finder; fileExtension: varargs[string]): Finder {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
proc ext(finder: Finder; fileExtensions: openArray[string]): Finder {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
proc finder(path = "."; driver = LOCAL; searchType = SearchInFiles;
            isRecursive = false): Finder {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc gb(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc GB(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc gb(i: int): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc get(finder: Finder): Results {....raises: [OSError, ValueError],
                                    tags: [ReadDirEffect].}
Execute Finder query and return the results
proc getCreationTime(file: FileFinder): Time {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the creation time
proc getFileSize(file: FileFinder): BiggestInt {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the file size of file (in bytes)
proc getInfo(file: FileFinder): FileInfo {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns an instance of FileInfo
proc getLastAccessTime(file: FileFinder): Time {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the file's last read or write access time
proc getLastModificationTime(file: FileFinder): Time {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the file's last read or write access time
proc getName(file: FileFinder): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc getPath(file: FileFinder): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns path on disk for given FileFinder
proc getSize(file: FileFinder): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the current file size of given FileFinder auto-converted to Bytes, KB, MB, GB, or TB.
proc getSize(file: FileFinder; hideSizeLabel: bool): float {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Returns the current file size of given FileFinder as float value, auto-converted to Bytes, KB, MB, GB or TB, without a label
proc gigabytes(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
FSize of i gigabytes
proc ignoreUnreadableDirs[F: Finder](finder: F): F
Tells Finder to ignore unreadable directories.
proc ignoreVCS[F: Finder](finder: F; toIgnore: bool): F
Tell finder to ignore Version Control Systems, such as Git and Mercurial. Those files are ignored by default when looking for files and directories, but you can change this behaviour by using this proc.
proc initSubmodule(): Submodule {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Initialises a new Submodule object.
proc kb(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc KB(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc kb(i: int): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc kilobytes(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
FSize of i kilobytes
proc lastTimeModified[F: Finder](finder: F; since: string): F
Search for files or directories by last modified dates.
proc lastTimeModified[F: Finder](finder: F; startFrom, endTo: string): F
Search for files or directories by last modified dates.
proc len(res: Results): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return the number of items in current Results.
proc mb(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc MB(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mb(i: int): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc megabytes(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
FSize of i megabytes
proc name(finder: Finder; pattern: Regex): Finder {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc name(finder: Finder; pattern: string): Finder {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Add one file name for searching
proc only[R: Results](res: R; dateTime: DateTime): R
Refine the current Results table by DateTime.
proc only[R: Results](res: R; interval: TimeInterval): R
proc recursive[F: Finder](finder: F): F
proc size[F: Finder](finder: F; fs: FSize): F
proc size[F: Finder](finder: F; min, max: FSize): F
proc size[R: Results](res: R): R
Filter current results by size
proc sortByAccessedTime[R: Results](res: R;
                                    order: algorithm.SortOrder = Descending): R
Sorts files and directories by the last accessed time This is the time that the file was last accessed, read or written to
proc sortByCreationTime[R: Results](res: R;
                                    order: algorithm.SortOrder = Descending): R
Sorts files and directories by creation time
proc sortByModifiedTime[R: Results](res: R;
                                    order: algorithm.SortOrder = Descending): R
Sorts files and directories by the last modified time
proc sortByName[R: Results](res: R; order: algorithm.SortOrder = Ascending): R
Sorts files and directories by name
proc sortBySize[R: Results](res: R; order: algorithm.SortOrder = Descending): R
Sorts files and directories by size
proc sortByType[R: Results](res: R): R
Sorts files and directories by type (directories before files), then by name
proc tb(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc TB(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc tb(i: int): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc terabytes(i: float): FSize {....raises: [], tags: [].}
FSize of i terabytes


iterator dirs(res: Results): Directory {....raises: [], tags: [].}
iterator files(res: Results): FileFinder {....raises: [], tags: [].}


template Today(): DateTime
template Yesterday(): DateTime