

BLFileCore {.bycopy.} = object
  handle*: ptr int ## A file handle - either a file descriptor used by POSIX or file handle used by Windows. On both platforms the
                   ## handle is always intptr_t to make FFI easier (it's basically the size of a pointer / machine register).
                   ## note In C++ mode you can use BLFileCore::Handle or BLFile::Handle to get the handle type. In C mode you
                   ## must use intptr_t. A handle of value -1 is considered invalid and/or uninitialized. This value also matches
                   ## INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, which is used by Windows API and defined to -1 as well.
BLFileInfo {.bycopy.} = object
  size*: uint64
  modifiedTime*: int64
  flags*: BLFileInfoFlags
  uid*: uint32
  gid*: uint32
  reserved*: array[5, uint32]
BLFileInfoFlags {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_FILE_INFO_OWNER_R,     ## File owner has read permission (compatible with 0400 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_OWNER_W,     ## File owner has write permission (compatible with 0200 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_OWNER_X,     ## File owner has execute permission (compatible with 0100 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_GROUP_R,     ## File group owner has read permission (compatible with 040 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_GROUP_W,     ## File group owner has write permission (compatible with 020 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_GROUP_X,     ## File group owner has execute permission (compatible with 010 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_OTHER_R,     ## Other users have read permission (compatible with 04 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_OTHER_W,     ## Other users have write permission (compatible with 02 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_OTHER_X,     ## Other users have execute permission (compatible with 01 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_SUID,        ## Set user ID to file owner user ID on execution (compatible with 04000 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_SGID,        ## Set group ID to file's user group ID on execution (compatible with 02000 octal notation).
  BL_FILE_INFO_PERMISSIONS_MASK, ## A combination of all file permission bits.
  BL_FILE_INFO_REGULAR,     ## A flag specifying that this is a regular file.
  BL_FILE_INFO_DIRECTORY,   ## A flag specifying that this is a directory.
  BL_FILE_INFO_SYMLINK,     ## A flag specifying that this is a symbolic link.
  BL_FILE_INFO_CHAR_DEVICE, ## A flag describing a character device.
  BL_FILE_INFO_BLOCK_DEVICE, ## A flag describing a block device.
  BL_FILE_INFO_FIFO,        ## A flag describing a FIFO (named pipe).
  BL_FILE_INFO_SOCKET,      ## A flag describing a socket.
  BL_FILE_INFO_HIDDEN,      ## A flag describing a hidden file (Windows only).
  BL_FILE_INFO_EXECUTABLE,  ## A flag describing a hidden file (Windows only).
  BL_FILE_INFO_ARCHIVE,     ## A flag describing an archive (Windows only).
  BL_FILE_INFO_SYSTEM,      ## A flag describing a system file (Windows only).
  BL_FILE_INFO_VALID         ## File information is valid (the request succeeded).
BLFileOpenFlags {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_FILE_OPEN_NO_FLAGS,    ## No flags.
  BL_FILE_OPEN_READ, ## Opens the file for reading. The following system flags
                      ## are used when opening the file: `O_RDONLY` (Posix) `GENERIC_READ` (Windows)
  BL_FILE_OPEN_WRITE, ## Opens the file for writing: The following system flags are
                       ## used when opening the file: `O_WRONLY` (Posix) GENERIC_WRITE (Windows)
  BL_FILE_OPEN_RW, ## Opens the file for reading & writing. The following system
                    ## flags are used when opening the file: `O_RDWR` (Posix) `GENERIC_READ` | `GENERIC_WRITE` (Windows)
  BL_FILE_OPEN_CREATE, ## Creates the file if it doesn't exist or opens it if it does.
                        ## The following system flags are used when opening the file:
                        ## `O_CREAT` (Posix) `CREATE_ALWAYS` or `OPEN_ALWAYS` depending on other flags (Windows)
  BL_FILE_OPEN_DELETE,      ## Opens the file for deleting or renaming (Windows).
                             ## Adds DELETE flag when opening the file to ACCESS_MASK.
  BL_FILE_OPEN_TRUNCATE, ## Truncates the file. The following system flags are used
                          ## when opening the file: `O_TRUNC` (Posix) `TRUNCATE_EXISTING` (Windows)
  BL_FILE_OPEN_READ_EXCLUSIVE, ## Opens the file for reading in exclusive mode (Windows).
                                ## Exclusive mode means to not specify the FILE_SHARE_READ option.
  BL_FILE_OPEN_WRITE_EXCLUSIVE, ## Opens the file for writing in exclusive mode (Windows). Exclusive mode means to not specify the FILE_SHARE_WRITE option.
  BL_FILE_OPEN_RW_EXCLUSIVE, ## Opens the file for both reading and writing (Windows). This is a combination of both BL_FILE_OPEN_READ_EXCLUSIVE and BL_FILE_OPEN_WRITE_EXCLUSIVE.
  BL_FILE_OPEN_CREATE_EXCLUSIVE, ## Creates the file in exclusive mode - fails if the file already exists. The following system flags are used when opening the file: O_EXCL (Posix) CREATE_NEW (Windows)
  BL_FILE_OPEN_DELETE_EXCLUSIVE ## Opens the file for deleting or renaming in exclusive mode (Windows). Exclusive mode means to not specify the FILE_SHARE_DELETE option.
BLFileReadFlags {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_FILE_READ_NO_FLAGS,    ## No flags.
  BL_FILE_READ_MMAP_ENABLED, ## Use memory mapping to read the content of the file.
                              ## The destination buffer BLArray<> would be configured to use the memory mapped buffer instead of allocating its own.
  BL_FILE_READ_MMAP_AVOID_SMALL, ## Avoid memory mapping of small files. The size of small file
                                  ## is determined by Blend2D, however, you should expect
                                  ## it to be 16kB or 64kB depending on host operating system.
  BL_FILE_READ_MMAP_NO_FALLBACK ## Do not fallback to regular read if memory mapping fails.
                                ## It's worth noting that memory mapping would fail for files
                                ## stored on filesystem that is not local (like a mounted network filesystem, etc...).
BLFileSeekType {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_FILE_SEEK_SET,         ## Seek from the beginning of the file (SEEK_SET).
  BL_FILE_SEEK_CUR,         ## Seek from the current position (SEEK_CUR).
  BL_FILE_SEEK_END,         ## Seek from the end of the file (SEEK_END).
  BL_FILE_SEEK_MAX_VALUE     ## Maximum value of BLFileSeekType.


proc blFileClose(self: ptr BLFileCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileGetInfo(self: ptr BLFileCore; infoOut: ptr BLFileInfo): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileGetSize(self: ptr BLFileCore; fileSizeOut: ptr uint64): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileInit(self: ptr BLFileCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileOpen(self: ptr BLFileCore; fileName: cstring;
                openFlags: BLFileOpenFlags): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileRead(self: ptr BLFileCore; buffer: pointer; n: uint;
                bytesReadOut: ptr uint): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileReset(self: ptr BLFileCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileSeek(self: ptr BLFileCore; offset: int64; seekType: BLFileSeekType;
                positionOut: ptr int64): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileSystemGetInfo(fileName: cstring; infoOut: ptr BLFileInfo): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileSystemReadFile(fileName: cstring; dst: ptr BLArrayCore;
                          maxSize: uint; readFlags: BLFileReadFlags): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileSystemWriteFile(fileName: cstring; data: pointer; size: uint;
                           bytesWrittenOut: ptr uint): BLResult {.importc,
    cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileTruncate(self: ptr BLFileCore; maxSize: int64): BLResult {.importc,
    cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blFileWrite(self: ptr BLFileCore; buffer: pointer; n: uint;
                 bytesWrittenOut: ptr uint): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}