
Group by:


BLApproximationOptions {.bycopy.} = object
  flattenMode*: uint8        ## Specifies how curves are flattened, see FlattenMode.
  offsetMode*: uint8         ## Specifies how curves are offsetted (used by stroking), see BLOffsetMode.
  reservedFlags*: array[6, uint8] ## Reserved for future use, must be zero.
  flattenTolerance*: cdouble ## Tolerance used to flatten curves.
  simplifyTolerance*: cdouble ## Tolerance used to approximate cubic curves with quadratic curves.
  offsetParameter*: cdouble  ## Curve offsetting parameter, exact meaning depends on offsetMode.
BLArc {.bycopy.} = object
  cx*, cy*, rx*, ry*, start*, sweep*: cdouble
Arc specified as cx, cy, rx, ry, start, sweep using double as a storage type.
BLBox {.bycopy.} = object
  x0*, y0*, x1*, y1*: cdouble
Box specified as x0, y0, x1, y1 using double as a storage type.
BLBoxI {.bycopy.} = object
  x0*, y0*, x1*, y1*: cint
Box specified as x0, y0, x1, y1 using int as a storage type.
BLCircle {.bycopy.} = object
  cx*, cy*, r*: cdouble
Circle specified as cx, cy, r using double as a storage type.
BLEllipse {.bycopy.} = object
  cx*, cy*, rx*, ry*: cdouble
Ellipse specified as cx, cy, rx, ry using double as a storage type.
BLFillRule {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_FILL_RULE_NON_ZERO,    ## Non-zero fill-rule.
  BL_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD,    ## Even-odd fill-rule
  BL_FILL_RULE_MAX_VALUE     ## Max value of BLFillRule
BLFlattenMode {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_FLATTEN_MODE_DEFAULT,  ## Use default mode (decided by Blend2D).
  BL_FLATTEN_MODE_RECURSIVE, ## Recursive subdivision flattening.
  BL_FLATTEN_MODE_MAX_VALUE  ## Maximum value of BLFlattenMode.
BLGeometryDirection {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_GEOMETRY_DIRECTION_NONE, ## No direction specified
  BL_GEOMETRY_DIRECTION_CW, ## Clockwise direction
  BL_GEOMETRY_DIRECTION_CCW  ## Counter-clockwise direction
BLGeometryType {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_NONE,    ## No geometry provided
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_BOXI,    ## BLBoxI struct
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_BOXD,    ## BLBox struct
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_RECTD,   ## BLRect struct
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_CIRCLE,  ## BLCircle struct
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_ARC,     ## BLArc struct
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_CHORD,   ## BLArc struct representing chord
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_PIE,     ## BLArc struct representing pie
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_LINE,    ## BLLine struct
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_POLYLINEI, ## BLArrayView<BLPointI> representing a polyline
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_POLYLINED, ## BLArrayView<BLPoint> representing a polyline
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_POLYGONI, ## BLArrayView<BLPointI> representing a polygon
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_POLYGOND, ## BLArrayView<BLPoint> representing a polygon
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_PATH,    ## BLPath (or BLPathCore)
  BL_GEOMETRY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE ## Maximum value of BLGeometryType## 
BLHitTest {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_HIT_TEST_IN,           ## Fully in.
  BL_HIT_TEST_PART,         ## Partially in/out.
  BL_HIT_TEST_OUT,          ## Fully out.
  BL_HIT_TEST_INVALID        ## Hit test failed (invalid argument, NaNs, etc).
BLLine {.bycopy.} = object
  x0*, y0*, x1*, y1*: cdouble
Line specified as x0, y0, x1, y1 using double as a storage type.
BLMatrix2D {.bycopy.} = object
  m*: array[6, cdouble]
  m00*, m01*, m10*, m11*, m20*, m21*: cdouble
BLPathCmd {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_PATH_CMD_MOVE,         ## Move-to command (starts a new figure)
  BL_PATH_CMD_ON,           ## On-path command (interpreted as line-to or the end of a curve).
  BL_PATH_CMD_QUAD,         ## Quad-to control point
  BL_PATH_CMD_CONIC,        ## Conic-to control point
  BL_PATH_CMD_CUBIC,        ## Cubic-to control point (always used as a pair of commands).
  BL_PATH_CMD_CLOSE,        ## Close path
  BL_PATH_CMD_WEIGHT,       ## Conic weight
  BL_PATH_CMD_MAX_VALUE      ## Maximum value of `BLPathCmd`.
Path command
BLPathCore {.bycopy.} = object
  d*: BLObjectDetail
BLPathReverseMode {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_PATH_REVERSE_MODE_COMPLETE, ## Reverse each figure and their order as well (default)
  BL_PATH_REVERSE_MODE_SEPARATE, ## Reverse each figure separately (keeps their order)
  BL_PATH_REVERSE_MODE_MAX_VALUE ## Maximum value of BLPathReverseMode.
BLPathSinkFunc = proc (path: ptr BLPathCore; info: pointer; userData: pointer): BLResult {.
BLPathStrokeSinkFunc = proc (a, b, c: ptr BLPathCore;
                             inputStart, inputEnd: uint; userData: pointer): BLResult {.
BLPoint {.bycopy.} = object
  x*, y*: cdouble
BLPointI {.bycopy.} = object
  x*, y*: cint
Point specified as x, y using int as a storage type.
BLRect {.bycopy.} = object
  x*, y*, w*, h*: cdouble
Rectangle specified as x, y, w, h using double as a storage type.
BLRectI {.bycopy.} = object
  x*, y*, w*, h*: cint
Rectangle specified as x, y, w, h using int as a storage type.
BLRoundRect {.bycopy.} = object
  x*, y*, w*, h*, rx*, ry*: cdouble
Rounded rectangle specified as x, y, w, h, rx, ry using double as a storage type.
BLSize {.bycopy.} = object
  w*, h*: cdouble
Size specified as w, h using double as a storage type.
BLSizeI {.bycopy.} = object
  w*, h*: cint
Size specified as w, h using int as a storage type.
BLStrokeCap {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_STROKE_CAP_BUTT,       ## Butt cap [default].
  BL_STROKE_CAP_SQUARE,     ## Square cap.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_ROUND,      ## Round cap.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_ROUND_REV,  ## Round cap reversed.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_TRIANGLE,   ## Triangle cap.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_TRIANGLE_REV, ## Triangle cap reversed.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_MAX_VALUE    ## Maximum value of BLStrokeCap.
BLStrokeCapPosition {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_STROKE_CAP_POSITION_START, ## Start of the path.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_POSITION_END, ## End of the path.
  BL_STROKE_CAP_POSITION_MAX_VALUE ## Maximum value of BLStrokeCapPosition.
BLStrokeJoin {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_STROKE_JOIN_MITER_CLIP, ## Miter-join possibly clipped at miterLimit [default]
  BL_STROKE_JOIN_MITER_BEVEL, ## Miter-join or bevel-join depending on miterLimit condition
  BL_STROKE_JOIN_MITER_ROUND, ## Miter-join or round-join depending on miterLimit condition
  BL_STROKE_JOIN_BEVEL,     ## Bevel-join
  BL_STROKE_JOIN_ROUND,     ## Round-join
  BL_STROKE_JOIN_MAX_VALUE   ## Maximum value of BLStrokeJoin.
BLStrokeOptionsCore {.bycopy.} = object
  startCap*: uint8
  endCap*: uint8
  join*: uint8
  transformOrder*: uint8
  reserved*: array[4, uint8]
  caps*: array[2 + 1, uint8]
  hints*: uint64
  width*: cdouble
  miterLimit*: cdouble
  dashOffset*: cdouble
  dashArray*: BLArrayCore
BLStrokeTransformOrder {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_STROKE_TRANSFORM_ORDER_AFTER, ## Transform after stroke => Transform(Stroke(Input)) [default].
  BL_STROKE_TRANSFORM_ORDER_BEFORE, ## Transform before stroke => Stroke(Transform(Input)).
  BL_STROKE_TRANSFORM_ORDER_MAX_VALUE ## Maximum value of BLStrokeTransformOrder.
BLTransformOp {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_RESET,    ## Reset matrix to identity (argument ignored, should be nullptr).
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_ASSIGN,   ## Assign (copy) the other matrix.
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_TRANSLATE, ## Translate the matrix by [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_SCALE,    ## Scale the matrix by [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_SKEW,     ## Skew the matrix by [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_ROTATE,   ## Rotate the matrix by the given angle about [0, 0].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_ROTATE_PT, ## Rotate the matrix by the given angle about [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_TRANSFORM, ## Transform this matrix by other BLMatrix2D.
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_POST_TRANSLATE, ## Post-translate the matrix by [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_POST_SCALE, ## Post-scale the matrix by [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_POST_SKEW, ## Post-skew the matrix by [x, y].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_POST_ROTATE, ## Post-rotate the matrix about [0, 0].
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_POST_ROTATE_PT, ## Post-rotate the matrix about a reference BLPoint.
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_POST_TRANSFORM, ## Post-transform this matrix by other BLMatrix2D.
  BL_TRANSFORM_OP_MAX_VALUE  ## Maximum value of BLTransformOp.
Transformation matrix operation type
BLTransformType {.size: 4.} = enum
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_IDENTITY, ## Identity matrix
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_TRANSLATE, ## Has translation part (the rest is like identity).
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_SCALE,  ## Has translation and scaling parts.
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_SWAP,   ## Has translation and scaling parts, however scaling swaps X/Y.
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_AFFINE, ## Generic affine matrix.
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_INVALID, ## Invalid/degenerate matrix not useful for transformations.
  BL_TRANSFORM_TYPE_MAX_VALUE ## Maximum value of BLTransformType.
Transformation matrix type that can be obtained by calling BLMatrix2D::type().
BLTriangle {.bycopy.} = object
  x0*, y0*, x1*, y1*, x2*, y2*: cdouble
Triangle data specified as x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 using double as a storage type.


proc blMatrix2DApplyOp(self: ptr BLMatrix2D; opType: BLTransformOp;
                       opData: pointer): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DGetType(self: ptr BLMatrix2D): BLTransformType {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DInvert(dst: ptr BLMatrix2D; src: ptr BLMatrix2D): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DMapPointDArray(self: ptr BLMatrix2D; dst: ptr BLPoint;
                              src: ptr BLPoint; count: uint): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DSetIdentity(self: ptr BLMatrix2D): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DSetRotation(self: ptr BLMatrix2D; angle: cdouble; cx: cdouble;
                           cy: cdouble): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DSetScaling(self: ptr BLMatrix2D; x: cdouble; y: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DSetSkewing(self: ptr BLMatrix2D; x: cdouble; y: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blMatrix2DSetTranslation(self: ptr BLMatrix2D; x: cdouble; y: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddBoxD(self: ptr BLPathCore; box: ptr BLBox;
                   dir: BLGeometryDirection): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddBoxI(self: ptr BLPathCore; box: ptr BLBoxI;
                   dir: BLGeometryDirection): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddGeometry(self: ptr BLPathCore; geometryType: BLGeometryType;
                       geometryData: pointer; m: ptr BLMatrix2D;
                       dir: BLGeometryDirection): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddPath(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore;
                   range: ptr BLRange): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddRectD(self: ptr BLPathCore; rect: ptr BLRect;
                    dir: BLGeometryDirection): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddRectI(self: ptr BLPathCore; rect: ptr BLRectI;
                    dir: BLGeometryDirection): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddReversedPath(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore;
                           range: ptr BLRange; reverseMode: BLPathReverseMode): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddStrokedPath(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore;
                          range: ptr BLRange; options: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                          approx: ptr BLApproximationOptions): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddTransformedPath(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore;
                              range: ptr BLRange; m: ptr BLMatrix2D): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAddTranslatedPath(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore;
                             range: ptr BLRange; p: ptr BLPoint): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathArcQuadrantTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x1, y1, x2, y2: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathArcTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x, y, rx, ry, start, sweep: cdouble;
                 forceMoveTo: bool): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAssignDeep(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAssignMove(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathAssignWeak(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathClear(self: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathClose(self: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathConicTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x1, y1, x2, y2, w: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathCubicTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathDestroy(self: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathEllipticArcTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; rx, ry, xAxisRotation: cdouble;
                         largeArcFlag: bool; sweepFlag: bool; x1, y1: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathEquals(a: ptr BLPathCore; b: ptr BLPathCore): bool {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathFitTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; range: ptr BLRange; rect: ptr BLRect;
                 fitFlags: uint32): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetBoundingBox(self: ptr BLPathCore; boxOut: ptr BLBox): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetCapacity(self: ptr BLPathCore): uint {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetClosestVertex(self: ptr BLPathCore; p: ptr BLPoint;
                            maxDistance: cdouble; indexOut: ptr uint;
                            distanceOut: ptr cdouble): BLResult {.importc,
    cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetCommandData(self: ptr BLPathCore): ptr uint8 {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetControlBox(self: ptr BLPathCore; boxOut: ptr BLBox): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetFigureRange(self: ptr BLPathCore; index: uint;
                          rangeOut: ptr BLRange): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetInfoFlags(self: ptr BLPathCore; flagsOut: ptr uint32): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetLastVertex(self: ptr BLPathCore; vtxOut: ptr BLPoint): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetSize(self: ptr BLPathCore): uint {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathGetVertexData(self: ptr BLPathCore): ptr BLPoint {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathHitTest(self: ptr BLPathCore; p: ptr BLPoint; fillRule: BLFillRule): BLHitTest {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathInit(self: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathInitMove(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathInitWeak(self: ptr BLPathCore; other: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathLineTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x1: cdouble; y1: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathModifyOp(self: ptr BLPathCore; op: BLModifyOP; n: uint;
                    cmdDataOut: ptr ptr uint8; vtxDataOut: ptr ptr BLPoint): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathMoveTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x0: cdouble; y0: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathPolyTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; poly: ptr BLPoint; count: uint): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathQuadTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x1: cdouble; y1: cdouble; x2: cdouble;
                  y2: cdouble): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathRemoveRange(self: ptr BLPathCore; range: ptr BLRange): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathReserve(self: ptr BLPathCore; n: uint): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathReset(self: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathSetVertexAt(self: ptr BLPathCore; index: uint; cmd: uint32;
                       x: cdouble; y: cdouble): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathShrink(self: ptr BLPathCore): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathSmoothCubicTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x2, y2, x3, y3: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathSmoothQuadTo(self: ptr BLPathCore; x2, y2: cdouble): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathStrokeToSink(self: ptr BLPathCore; range: ptr BLRange;
                        strokeOptions: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                        approximationOptions: ptr BLApproximationOptions;
                        a, b, c: ptr BLPathCore; sink: BLPathStrokeSinkFunc;
                        userData: pointer): BLResult {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathTransform(self: ptr BLPathCore; range: ptr BLRange; m: ptr BLMatrix2D): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blPathTranslate(self: ptr BLPathCore; range: ptr BLRange; p: ptr BLPoint): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsAssignMove(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                               other: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsAssignWeak(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                               other: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsDestroy(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.importc,
    cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsEquals(a: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                           b: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): bool {.importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsInit(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.importc,
    cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsInitMove(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                             other: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsInitWeak(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore;
                             other: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.
    importc, cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc blStrokeOptionsReset(self: ptr BLStrokeOptionsCore): BLResult {.importc,
    cdecl, header: "/home/runner/work/blend2d-nim/blend2d-nim/src/blend2d/bindings/blend2d_source/src/blend2d.h",
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}